Metal is a music genre that has progressed in many phases over the years. It’s not always an easy genre for beginner guitarists to learn, either.
To master metal music on a guitar takes excellent command of the staccato, mastering power chords, palm-muting, and forceful rhythm. The harmonic traits of true metal songs are also beyond the reach of ordinary mortals playing the ordinary guitar. You’ve got chromatic progressions, tritone, and modal scale to boggle your mind and put your fingerstyle to the test.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of songs you know and love that are great starting points for you to learn how to play metal music on your guitar. Let’s take a look at some songs with easy guitar riffs to get you well acquainted with the basics of metal guitar playing. Some of the songs on this list will be a little more “Hard Rock,” whereas some would be considered more modern “Heavy Metal.” Each of these songs and bands was considered “metal” during the period they were released and played a critical role in the development of the metal genre as we know it today.
So, which metal songs should you learn to play first? I suggest you check out the easy metal guitar songs listed below.
Here is a List of Easy Metal Guitar Songs
1. Lonely Day by System of a Down
Tabs: View Lonely Day Tab Here
This is one metal song that is perfect for those who are new to the genre or beginner guitarists. The song has 5 chords (G, Am, F. C, and E7) that anyone can play with ease. However, if you do wish to give it that true metal effect, you might want to transpose it to a chord set that allows for fascinating fingerstyles.
The intro and the verses of Lonely Day are best-played arpeggio style. It is not that very complicated. It gives you a chance to practice your finger coordination and reinforce finger memory. The chorus couldn’t be easier. You can play it using the most basic of strumming techniques, and the sound that you’ll produce will still be as beautiful as the original. Play the song, and you’ll see.
2. Rooster by Alice in Chains
Tabs: View Rooster Tab Here
This alternative metal song sounds more like grunge or alternative rock. However, the song’s tempo is quite fast for a slow rock, at 144 BPM. It has a guitar riff that is mid-paced and heavily down-tuned. This is what makes people think that Rooster is an alternative rock and not metal. This is good news for beginner guitarists, as Rooster is one of the easiest metal songs one can play.
You’d be glad to know that this song only has 4 easy chords to occupy your mind. You have E, C, G, and A, which are very elementary. Now, I didn’t say that you should play the song like a kid. It would be best to learn the correct strumming techniques of the song to play it like the pros.
3. One by Metallica
Tabs: View One Tab Here
Metallica’s quite popular when it comes to thrash metal. You get that very distinct fast percussive beat that complements the guitar riffs in the low registers. However, you would be surprised at how amazingly ‘mellow’ the heavy metal band’s 1989 song, One, is. The tempo makes it more like a slow rock. However, music experts say this song is one of the band’s most popular pieces.
It helps that the song only has 108 BPM. This should make it relatively easy for beginner metal guitarists to execute the different riffs. Focusing on the rhythm will make it easy for you to perform the solos of the song. This piece does require nimble fingers and a few sliding techniques to give it that very nice sound. Fingerpicking is an absolute must.
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4. Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple
Tabs: View Smoke on the Water Tab Here
There are many ways you can measure the genius of an artist. The ability to write a fantastic composition is one of them. And if you can also play the very same piece that you composed, then you’re such a musical genius. This is exactly what music lovers think about Deep Purple’s Ritchie Blackmore. Not only is he a phenomenal guitarist, he is also a magical songwriter. That’s what you get when you play Smoke on the Water.
Known for its harmonized parallel fourths and use of an ingenious 4-note blues scale, this 1971 song remains one of the most iconic pieces to ever learn your guitar playing skills from. The bass-heavy riff is perfect for beginners as there are no complicated fingerstyles needed. You’re welcome to add a few fingerpicks if you want. However, mastering the basics is often enough to play this song like a rock star.
5. Iron Man by Black Sabbath
Tabs: View Iron Man Tab Here
The power chords of this song are a must-learn for anyone who dreams of making it big as a metal superstar. The guitar riff, especially in the opening of the song, is so phenomenal that many artists draw inspiration from it in the creation of their own songs. You’ve got to admire the genius of Osbourne, Iommi, and Butler as they bring together a composition that will blast its way through the all-time greats.
Mastering the bends of this song should give you enough confidence to tackle other metal songs for the guitar. It can be tricky. However, it is entirely possible to execute the song like the masters of metal if you focus enough attention on the fingerstyle, hammer-ons, pull-ups, and other techniques in your guitar-playing arsenal.
6. Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin
Tabs: View Whole Lotta Love Tab Here
If you feel like you’re not yet ready to play metal songs using the classic fingerstyle of the genre, then you should consider this Led Zeppelin classic of 1969. It only has 3 chords and the pretty easy ones, too. However, strumming the chords will never give the song the power it deserves to be classified as a metal song.
I know some of you will argue that this Led Zep song is not metal. It is harder rock; you’re right. However, the only real distinction of a metal from a rock song is the presence of distortions in the former. You can add all the distortions you want after you’ve mastered the fingerstyle of this song. I presume you’re not going to play it like absolute newbies. This is easily one of my favorite easy metal guitar songs to play.
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7. Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath
Tabs: View Electric Funeral Tab Here
Appearing in the same 1970 album as Iron Man, Electric Funeral is another Black Sabbath creation that will have you headbanging throughout the day. The intro of the song is as electrifying as Iron Man. There are plenty of amazing solos prior to the verses, the bridge, and the outro. It makes this song a spectacular ride for anyone who aspires to be a metal guitarist.
Beginners can play this metal song using an easy strumming pattern. However, if you’re aspiring to be the next Tony Iommi, then you should always go fingerstyle. The patterns are easy enough if you have nimble fingers and sufficient mastery of basic notes. This piece is going to be an exceptional tool for determining whether you’re cut out for metal or are best reserved for slow rock, country, or pop.
8. Back in Black By AC/DC
Tabs: View Back in Black Tab Here
With only seven chords to think about, Back in Black should be an easy one to master. That is if you are only content with playing the basic strumming technique. This 1980 song has elements of heavy metal and hard rock that appeal to fans of both genres. Like all songs that rely on sound effects to give the notes more character, Back in Black commands plenty of fingerstyle.
The fingerplay on the fretboard can also be quite taxing to absolute beginners. The riffs also require plenty of sliding and bending. It’s the perfect exercise to warm up and loosen your finger joints. It may seem a very tricky piece to master using the fingerstyle. You can learn this song if you focus enough on the basics of the musical piece.
9. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ By Judas Priest
Tabs: View You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ Tab Here
I find this 1982 metal song to be an easy piece to learn and master. It has that catchy duh-duh-duh intro that will have you headbanging even before the song gets to the first verse. The song also provides a very carefree and happy feeling that you’ll be compelled to play this Judas Priest song over and over. It is a very nice piece for aspiring metal guitarists to learn.
Getting the intro guitar riff shouldn’t be difficult at all. It’s the addition of the high notes after the bassline that you will have to pay attention to. The bassline is quite easy as you will only be fingerpicking the 6th chord. Be mindful of the correct tempo of this song, and you should be able to play it very well.
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10. Master of Puppets by Metallica
Tabs: View Master of Puppets Tab Here
This 1986 thrash metal piece from Metallica has got to be one of the most butt-kicking songs you can ever play on the guitar. Its percussive beats are as powerful as its low-register guitar riffs. You’ve got to love the shredding style of the lead guitar that creates an amazing layer over the song’s tonal structure. It’s an aggressive piece that you can somehow temper using your guitar.
Always a phenomenal exercise for the fingers, Master of Puppets is the go-to piece for any aspiring heavy metal guitarist. The low register notes can effectively take the place of your bass guitar. The slides and the hammer-ons are awesome exercises, too. They’ll have you ready for other heavy metal pieces. Do take note that this song has a very fast tempo of 212 BPM.
11. This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold
Tabs: View This Means War Tab Here
Get ready to flex the muscles of both your picking and fretting fingers. This 2013 heavy metal song has one of the most electrifying riffs ever to flood the airwaves of the 21st century. Never mind what other people say about the song being nothing more than a ripoff. It has enough elements to keep your fingers busy, your mind preoccupied, and your ears stuffed with electric guitar goodness.
Fingerpicking is an essential skill that guitarists will need to develop over the course of their guitar playing journey. This song provides plenty of opportunities for mastering the technique. There’s palm muting, too. The slides, pull-ups, and bends will also be excellent techniques to add to your skill set. You can play this on an acoustic guitar, although it will lack the personality of an electric instrument.
12. Breaking the Law by Judas Priest
Tabs: View Breaking the Law Tab Here
You’ll have friends flocking over the moment you play the opening guitar riff of this 1980 heavy metal song. Without a doubt, the riff is one of the most recognizable licks you can ever execute on your guitar. That is why beginner metal guitarists always make it a personal mission to learn the song. It also has a chorus so rhythmic that it forms the second hook of the song. The bridge allows you to unleash the guitarist beast in you.
Like all metal songs that place a lot of emphasis on low register notes, Breaking the Law has a characteristic bassline that will have your fretting fingers moving in a frenzy. It takes practice to get the correct sequencing and positioning of the fingers to strike the correct note.
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13. The Trooper by Iron Maiden
Tabs: View The Trooper Tab Here
The galloping rhythm of this 1983 heavy metal song is one of the musical piece’s most striking characteristics. It is very different from the usual upbeat rhythm of most metal bands of the 1980s. This endeared the English band even to heavy metal fanatics across the Atlantic. I’ve got to admit that Adrian Smith and Dave Murray’s harmonized guitar lead riff put so much color into the song’s groove.
Now, don’t think for a second that playing The Trooper is like strumming Baa Baa Black Sheep. The fingerpicking is quite easy, and even beginners can play it with relative ease. It’s the fingering techniques that will push your limbs to the hilt. Learn the tricks well, and you should be able to add a few more elements to the song.
14. Seek and Destroy by Metallica
Tabs: View Seek and Destroy Tab Here
Seek & Destroy has a riff that is a lot easier to execute than what Metallica wants you to believe. Of course, this is a very different matter if you’re an absolute newbie to the world of guitars. Even then, the fingerstyle of this 1983 thrash metal song is less complicated than other heavy metal songs out there. You can take a chair, devote a few hours at a time to learn this song, and by the end of the third day you should already be playing it like a seasoned guitarist.
What makes playing the riff so easy is the fact that it produces a wonderful melody. And to think that one characteristic of heavy metal songs is that they don’t have a recognizable melody. This one does. And if you add the punchy bassline, you’ve got a song that’s worth playing at parties.
15. Hot for Teacher By Van Halen
Tabs: View Hot for Teacher Tab Here
The first minute of the song is a full-on instrumental. The first 30 seconds of this song is a drum solo followed by the next 30 seconds of incredible guitar playing by the great Eddie Van Halen. This is a music piece that can serve as the ultimate test of one’s command of finger coordination and flexibility. While beginners can play the song in the modest 120s to 140s, this heavy metal song is best played at 240 BPM.
Ten chords should be easy enough for most people. It’s the reading of the tabs that can be very unnerving. That’s why most beginners would rather start learning the song at their own pace. You may not be able to appreciate the harmonics of the song. However, picking up the pace later should do the trick.
16. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica
Tabs: View For Whom the Bell Tolls Tab Here
There are a lot of things that you can learn from this 1984 heavy metal song. The different parts of the song require different techniques of playing the guitar. The intro and verses are easy. The chorus will require some sort of willful fingerpicking. It’s the guitar solos that can be very punishing to the uninitiated. Thankfully, there are learning videos that show you how you can master all these techniques in the shortest time possible.
And when you do get to master the different techniques, you can truly say that you’re a heavy metal guitarist. You can begin including a wah pedal to your guitar and focus on the addition of heavy distortion in the song. This should make it very exciting to play.
17. Raining Blood by Slayer
Tabs: View Raining Blood Tab Here
With a big, scorched-earth intro, Raining Blood is not for the faint-hearted guitarist. It has a backward gallop-like vibe that Lombardo describes as a double-kick. The intro is surprisingly catchy. Play it once, and the whole neighborhood will follow. The song’s core guitar riff allows it to lunge to life. It uses 10 of the genre’s most recognizable notes to give the music piece a bit of familiarity.
You should know that Hanneman built the riffs on atonal chromatism. This gives the song a structure that closely resembles what the lyrics depict – sickening. What surprises most people is that the song is terrifyingly evocative, despite its almost hellish message. Can you play this piece on your guitar? Sure, you can. You’ve got to be patient, though.
18. The Ocean by Led Zeppelin
Tabs: View The Ocean Tab Here
Most people think of The Ocean as a very powerful rock n’ roll piece. However, the very nasty guitar riffs, compliments of Jimmy Page’s jagged fireballs, make this 1972 Led Zeppelin piece a good heavy metal song. It has demonstrative characteristics that we all associate with heavy metal. There’s plenty of clatter, too. The killer coda can be overbearing to some people. But it’s also what gives color to this piece.
Pam-muting and finger sliding are very common features of this song. They’re great techniques to include in your skill set. Sliding the low E should make you feel more like a superstar than a budding metal guitarist. Don’t forget the fingerpick. These are all essential tools that anyone who dreams of becoming a heavy metal guitarist should have.
19. Monkey Business by Skid Row
Tabs: View Monkey Business Tab Here
The intro guitar riff of this 1991 heavy metal song may not be as compelling as those composed by other bands. Nevertheless, it has a groove and rhythm that can catch anyone’s attention within the first few seconds of the song. Monkey Business marks the band’s departure from glam metal, which is ripe with guitar riffs and hooks that draw inspiration from pop music. This is a song that is heavy metal at its finest.
The midtempo of Monkey Business makes it easy enough for absolute newbies to execute the correct rhythm of the song. This also sets you up for playing the fingerstyle in a more relaxed manner. As soon as you have the confidence to rip the tabs, then you can start playing the song in its original composition.
20. Jailbreak By AC/DC
Tabs: View Jailbreak Tab Here
Most of us associate AC/DC with hardcore rock and roll songs. However, this band from the Land Down Under doesn’t limit their creations to blues rock and hard rock. They also have phenomenal hits for the heavy metal genre. One of the band’s most popular heavy metal songs is Jailbreak, which the group released in 1976.
Playing this music piece is not that difficult. Perhaps the only challenging part for a beginner guitarist is performing the slides. The technique is not that difficult, although you will have to acclimatize your fingers to the pressure of the string as you move your finger along the string. You should also know how to hold the guitar pick properly and use it with utmost precision. Palm muting is also critical.
21. Crystal Skull by Mastodon
Tabs: View Crystal Skull Tab Here
A guitar instructor friend of mine always includes this 2006 progressive metal song in his list of instructional songs for beginners. I think it has to do with the amazing groove of the song that beginner guitarists find appealing. It also sets them up to perform other techniques.
This groove metal piece is an excellent finger exercise. You’ll feel as if your fretting fingers are clawing on the fretboard. What learners must focus on is the fingerpicking style. There’s no point playing the song if you’re going to strum all the strings. It must be very precise, strumming only those strings that need to be strummed. There are slides, too, that can test the flexibility and agility of your wrists. This makes the song a good piece for learning. If you’re looking for easy metal songs to play on guitar, this is a great song.
22. Milk Lizard by The Dillinger Escape Plan
Tabs: View Milk Lizard Tab Here
There are guitarists who love infusing some of the elements of hard rock into their heavy metal songs. If you’re this kind of guitarist, then you’ll love Milk Lizard. This is an alt-metal song by The Dillinger Escape Plan, which the group released in 2007. It did perform well in the charts. However, it found substantial success in digital streaming platforms as well as online sites that offer digital downloads.
This song may not be a chart-buster, but it sure is a good song to include in your collection of must-learn metal guitar songs. The groove is electrifying, especially if you’re able to nail the fingerstyle and fingerpick of the music piece. Master the palm-muting technique as this gives the song its characteristic staccato feel.
23. Now You’ve Got Something to Die for By Lamb of God
Tabs: View Now You’ve Got Something to Die for Tab Here
Very few people can appreciate the overall composition and songwriting of a death metal piece. The vocals make the singer sound like Cookie Monster having a heyday in Sesame Street. The distorted guitar works are also more extreme than other subgenres of heavy metal. Now, just because this type of song is the most punishing form of heavy metal doesn’t mean you can no longer play this 2004 song by Lamb of God. You still can.
Most metal songs will test your fretting capabilities. This one will test your fingerpicking stamina. The song requires the very rapid picking of the strings while your fretting fingers are either stationary on the fretboard or dancing all over it. What makes the song so badass is its singular focus on the low registers.
24. Mercury by Clutch
Tabs: View Mercury Tab Here
There are plenty of easy-to-learn killer guitar licks on the 2005 opus of Clutch. One of the simplest that you can learn as a beginner is the core guitar riff of Mercury. It has some of the simpler licks in Clutch’s album that beginners should find easy enough to execute. The thing here is that you will be able to train your ears to listen to the ever-present influence of classic blues in other genres like heavy metal.
You’ll also be strumming most of the time. Only in certain sections of the song will you have to employ a few neat fingerpicking techniques. The fingerstyle on the fretboard is also not as furious as what other heavy metal songs dictate. That’s all you need to play this piece.
25. The Devil’s Orchard by Opeth
Tabs: View The Devil’s Orchard Tab Here
Drawing inspiration from the antics and musical genius of Alice Cooper, Opeth set out to create a name for themselves in the genre of progressive metal. The group eventually embraced progressive rock, but not after releasing one of their most creative pieces in 2011. The Devil’s Orchard is not a piece for absolute beginner guitarists. The riff alone can be quite complicated to master.
Nevertheless, it is still achievable with commitment and perseverance. What’s tricky is that your ears may tell your brain that the song is on a Middle Eastern scale. The fact of the matter is that the song is in a harmonic minor scale. Focus on the song’s intro guitar riff. This should make you feel more confident about playing the rest of the song.
26. Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne
Tabs: View Crazy Train Tab Here
Many felt sad when Black Sabbath sacked Ozzy Osbourne for his drug- and alcohol-fueled erratic behavior. So, when Ozzy released his very first album as a solo artist, many expected him to deliver. And deliver, he did. This 1980 heavy metal song not only performed well in the charts. It was also one of the greatest heavy metal songs. That is not bad for someone who got kicked out of a band.
One of the best things about Crazy Train is its iconic guitar riff. While riffs are more popular in rock and roll songs, this heavy metal piece also has plenty of licks. Beginner guitarists will have plenty of riffs to include in their range of guitar licks. You’ll also love exercising your fingers.
27. Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpions
Tabs: View Rock You Like a Hurricane Tab Here
This is another exciting heavy metal song that you can use to take your palm muting skills to the next level. And even if you’re not yet familiar with this technique, this 1983 Scorpions signature song will teach you how. The music piece features a lot of syncopated and on-the-beat stabs that will have your brain guessing. And here’s the secret. If you are already familiar with and can play power chords with precision, then executing this song’s guitar riff is a piece of cake.
The riffs of the song are memorable. I dare not play this song because I find it almost impossible to wash the riffs off my brain. It is very captivating. It’s exactly what you need to learn the ropes of heavy metal guitar playing.
28. Ace of Spades by Motorhead
Tabs: View Ace of Spades Tabs Here
They don’t call Ace of Spades a speed metal for nothing. At 280 beats per minute, you’ll find yourself furiously playing every note of this 1980 Motorhead classic. It is an exercise in futility for many beginner guitarists. For those who can conquer the fingerbone-breaking fingerpicks of the song can give themselves more than a mere pat on the back. Executing this piece just like Lemmy did deserves the highest possible accolades.
The intro may be simple. However, as I already mentioned, it’s the tempo that can be unforgiving. Getting the rhythm right is crucial. You will also have to mentally and physically prepare yourself to play the guitar, starting on the 12th fret. It’s not convenient. But it’s what makes this song unique.
29. Erotomania By Dream Theater
Tabs: View Erotomania Tabs Here
Dream Theater is not known for making easy-to-play heavy metal songs. However, there are sections in Erotomania that are within the skill level of a beginner guitarist. Keep in mind that this is an instrumental piece that lasts a little under 7 minutes. That’s plenty of time for different guitar-playing techniques to learn from.
The main riff should never be a problem as it is simple and quite repetitive. Think of it as a necessary finger warmup exercise, and you should be okay. Your brain may tell you that playing the 5/4 riff is difficult. The trick here is to leave just enough space between the riff’s two halves. What is important is not to be intimidated. Just practice the piece over and over to get it right.
30. Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent
Tabs: View Cat Scratch Fever Tabs Here
If you have already mastered Smoke on the Water, Cat Scratch Fever is the next logical song to learn to play. This song by Ted Nugent has a riff that is almost like the Deep Purple piece. You can play the riff of this song with one finger. After all, most of the guitars that we use in our playing are tuned in fourths. The melody is also easy on the ears.
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if you could start rocking this piece like a pro in a matter of a few days. The song does require finger coordination, flexibility, and utmost agility. It is easy to feel like your fingers are dancing, complete with the occasional bends that give the song a nice tone.
31. Holy Diver By DIO
Tabs: View Holy Diver Tabs Here
I personally love the opening riff of this 1983 heavy metal song. The punchy basslines give the song an impression of a galloping rhythm. It makes you want to dive right into the first verse of the song. Obviously, this galloping groove is what drives the whole song. If you learn this groove, then there shouldn’t be any reason for you not to be able to play Holy Diver.
While the galloping riff is simple enough, it does have a tricky aspect to it. Normally, a change in a guitar riff is so pronounced that you can easily make the shift to the next pattern without missing the beat. Holy Diver has very subtle riff changes that can be challenging to execute with precision if you have untrained ears.
32. Walk by Pantera
Tabs: View Walk Tabs Here
Do you know what makes heavy metal musicians so annoyingly ingenious? They can add a lot of flair to an otherwise simple song structure to fool the mind. Most of the heavy metal greats have very simple patterns. However, the techniques used in the actual playing of the patterns can make the song sound so complex. That’s how Pantera wrote Walk.
The song’s guitar riff only has three notes. However, the addition of a swing feels, and a bit of syncopation produces a rather complex harmonic. You also get a very unusual first fret bend. Not many guitarists bend the strings near the neck as the strings are too stiff. Execute these tricks, however, and you can easily perform this 1991 groove metal song.
33. Skeletons of Society by Slayer
Tabs: View Skeletons of Society Tabs Here
Want to learn a new trick you can incorporate into your guitar playing? I suggest Slayer’s Skeletons of Society. It is easy to accomplish the main rhythm of the song with a few basic fingerstyles. However, if you want to up the ante of your heavy metal guitar playing, then you should try the half-a-spider chord trick.
It won’t hurt if you decide to play the song in its preferred manner. The riff is easy enough to execute, although it will put a bit of a strain on your playing wrist. Knowledge of power chords will have you playing this song within minutes. If not, you can always use the piece as a stepping stone to learning some of the essentials of playing heavy metal songs.
34. Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth
Tabs: View Symphony of Destruction Tabs Here
This 1992 heavy metal song is one of the best-known songs of Megadeth. It would blow people’s minds away to know that the song’s first 5 seconds contain one of Mozart’s masterpieces, the Offertorium. It is a very surreal introduction to a song that is full of heavy metal guitar riffs. You can always disregard this section of the song, of course. Pay attention to the riffs of this song, and you’ll learn that it is one of the easiest to learn.
The song is the ideal metal piece for polishing your ability to play with perfect timing. This Megadeth classic has razor-sharp cuts that give the song a palpable tension between the drums and the soul-reaching bass. Timing is critical in this piece of music.
35. Two Minutes to Midnight by Iron Maiden
Tabs: View Two Minutes Tabs Here
One of Iron Maiden’s most successful songs, 2 Minutes to Midnight, is a heavy metal classic that takes protest songs to a whole new level. The riff can be trickier to execute than some of the songs I listed here. It is never impossible, nevertheless. This is a music piece that can awaken your senses by having your fingers work through the strings at a frenzied pace.
Like many heavy metal songs, it’s the tempo that can spell the difference between getting the song right and giving up early in the game. If you can handle a song with a crazy 280 BPM tempo, then this song’s 188 BPM beat should be a cinch.
The heart and soul of any metal guitar song is the riff. Master the basic riffs of these metal guitar songs, and you should be able to further improve your guitar-playing skills. Be patient, however. Most of these songs don’t have tabs that demand a very different kind of musical understanding. You’ll be fine if you stay determined and committed to what you want to accomplish.
36. Countess Bathory by Venom
Release date | November 1982 |
Chords | E5, D5, C5 |
Tabs | View Countess Bathory Tabs Here |
Countess Bathory by Venom, a dark and sinister heavy metal anthem that delves into the infamous legend of the blood-countess and offers a glimpse into the macabre depths of human fascination with horror. It was released by Venom in 1982 as part of their album “Black Metal.” From the ominous opening guitar riff, it immediately sets a chilling and foreboding tone, immersing listeners into a world of gothic horror.
Venom’s raw and aggressive musical style amplifies the sinister atmosphere of the song, and it served as a blueprint for a whole new sub-genre of metal named after this very album. The song can be picked up quite easily since it only uses power chords. For me, it was quite a challenge to play at the original speed at first, so I recommend you take it slowly.
37. In League With Satan by Venom
Release date | December, 1981 |
Chords | A5, C5, G5, D5 |
Tabs | View In League With Satan Tabs Here |
Introducing another Venom song called In League With Satan. Another blistering and sinister heavy metal anthem delves into themes of rebellion, darkness, and the allure of embracing the forbidden. The song was released by Venom in 1981 as part of their debut album called Welcome to Hell. From the menacing and ferocious guitar riff that kicks off the song, it immediately grabs your attention.
The driving guitars, thunderous drums, and aggressive vocals create a sonic assault that leaves a lasting impact, showcasing Venom’s influential role in shaping the sound of extreme metal and, of course, black metal. The notes are tremolo picked on single strings in a slower way than most extreme metal songs, which makes it a great practice for any aspiring black/death metal guitarist.
38. Freezing Moon by Mayhem
Release date | May 24, 1994 |
Chords | E, E5, D#5, F5 |
Tabs | View Freezing Moon Tabs Here |
Freezing Moon is a powerful and iconic black metal song by the Norwegian band Mayhem. Released in 1994 as part of their influential album “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas,” the song is known for its dark and chilling atmosphere, capturing the essence of the band’s raw and extreme musical style. The song showcases Mayhem’s signature black metal sound, characterized by relentless blast beats, aggressive guitar riffs, and atmospheric passages that create a sense of unease and dissonance. The vocals, delivered with ferocity and anguish, add an additional layer of intensity to the overall sonic experience.
While Mayhem’s history is intertwined with controversy, it’s important to separate the art from the actions associated with the band. “Freezing Moon” remains a significant and influential song within the black metal genre. The riffs are really atmospheric and easy to play.
39. Agent Orange by Sodom
Release date | June 1, 1989 |
Chords | F#5, G5, B5, A#5 |
Tabs | View Agent Orange Tabs Here |
Introducing Agent Orange by Sodom, a ferocious and politically charged thrash metal anthem that confronts the horrors of war and its devastating consequences. It was released by a thrash metal band from Germany, Sodom, in 1989 as the title track of their album. From the moment Agent Orange erupts with its aggressive opening guitar riff and fast drumming, it delivers an unrelenting assault on the senses, capturing the intensity and urgency of the subject matter.
The lyrics of “Agent Orange” tackle the controversial use of chemical warfare during the Vietnam War. Regardless of its message, the song is really easy to play and the song helped me delve into the world of thrash metal guitar playing.
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40. Primo Victoria by Sabaton
Release date | March 4, 2005 |
Chords | E5, F#5, D5 |
Tabs | View Primo Victoria Tabs Here |
“Primo Victoria” by Sabaton is a thunderous and anthemic power metal tribute to the courage, sacrifice, and triumph of soldiers on the battlefield. It was released by a Swedish power metal band, Sabaton, in 2005 as the opening track of their album of the same name. From the moment the song bursts to life with its explosive guitar riffs, commanding vocals, and pounding drums, it ignites a sense of heroism and valor.
The lyrics of Primo Victoria pay homage to the soldiers who fought during the D-Day invasion of Normandy in the Second World War. The guitar part is really easy to play, even the solo. I personally managed to learn the solo in one day.
41. Ghost Division by Sabaton
Release date | May 30, 2008 |
Chords | Bm, B4, Baug, C#, A |
Tabs | View Ghost Division Tabs Here |
Ghost Division by Sabaton is a high-octane and exhilarating power metal anthem that pays homage to the lightning-fast armored divisions of World War II and their relentless pursuit of victory on the battlefield. It was released in 2008 as part of Sabaton’s album called The Art of War. From the moment the song begins with its driving guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and captivating melodies, it propels listeners into a world of aggression and tank warfare.
Sabaton’s musical style in “Ghost Division” combines explosive guitar solos, energetic rhythms, and powerful vocals that soar above the instrumentation. The riffs are quite easy while the solo is a bit more challenging but can be mastered with practice.
42. Psychosocial by Slipknot
Release date | July 8, 2008 |
Chords | D5, G5, E5, B5 |
Tabs | View Psychosocial Tabs Here |
Psychosocial by Slipknot is a fierce metal track that unleashes a torrent of raw emotion and confronts the challenges of society and personal struggles. It was released by Slipknot in 2008 as part of their fourth studio album. The album is called All Hope is Gone. The start of the song is really memorable because of the guitar riff, after that the pounding drums, and aggressive vocals start.
Slipknot’s musical style in Psychosocial combines blistering metalcore elements with melodic hooks and a sense of controlled chaos. The band’s intense vocal delivery, fueled by aggressive screams and visceral growls, adds an additional layer of intensity to the song, expressing the raw emotions at its core using a combination of power chords and single-note patterns.
43. Duality by Slipknot
Release date | May 4, 2004 |
Chords | D5, C5, G5, A#5 |
Tabs | View Duality Tabs Here |
Introducing Duality by Slipknot is a dynamic and introspective metal masterpiece that explores the complex duality of human nature, inner turmoil, and the struggle to find balance amidst chaos. It was released by the band Slipknot in 2004, as a part of their third album. The album is called Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses). The songs starts with a soft voice which makes it quite creepy, after that the song erupts with chuggy guitar riffs and aggressive drumming.
Slipknot’s musical style in Duality seamlessly blends heavy metal aggression with melodic elements and a touch of nu-metal sensibility. The song is played downtuned and sounds heavy and chuggy, making it an awesome pick for jamming. Also it is Slipknot’s most popular song.
44. Stand By Him by Ghost
Release date | October 18, 2010 |
Chords | A, G, D5, G5, Em, Bm |
Tabs | View Stand By Him Tabs Here |
“Stand by Him” by Ghost is a haunting and seductive rock anthem that weaves together elements of classic heavy metal, occult imagery, and an irresistible chorus. The song was released by the Swedish rock band Ghost, known for their unique blend of theatricality and catchy melodies, on their debut album “Opus Eponymous” in 2010. From the moment the song starts with its eerie organ sounds, melodic guitar riffs, and the enigmatic vocals of Papa Emeritus, it immerses listeners in a dark and mesmerizing atmosphere.
Ghost’s musical style in “Stand by Him” draws inspiration from classic heavy metal and rock. Ghost’s songwriter Tobias Forge is a master in creating haunting melodies while using only simple chords. This is another one of my favorite easy metal songs on guitar.
45. Cirice by Ghost
Release date | May 30, 2015 |
Chords | Gm, Cm, Eb. Bb, Fm, G# |
Tabs | View Cirice Tabs Here |
Prepare to be swept away by the enchanting and enigmatic aura of Cirice. It is one of Ghost’s most ambitious and thought-provoking creations. The song’s ethereal and atmospheric verses give way to powerful and anthemic choruses, creating a mesmerizing contrast that captures the essence of Ghost’s musical style. The haunting vocals of Papa Emeritus III, backed by harmonies from the Nameless Ghouls, convey a sense of longing, temptation, and acceptance.
Musically, Cirice showcases Ghost’s ability to craft captivating melodies, layered harmonies, and dynamic song structures. The song’s progressive elements, combined with its infectious hooks and driving rhythm section, create a captivating listening experience that lingers in the mind.
46. Am I Evil by Diamond Head
Release date | June 1980. |
Chords | E5, D5, A5, G5, C, G, D, A |
Tabs | View Am I Evil Tabs Here |
Introducing Am I Evil? by Diamond Head, a timeless and influential heavy metal anthem that showcases the band’s signature sound and songwriting prowess. The song is a cornerstone track by British rockers Diamond Head, originally released in 1980 as part of their self-titled debut album. From the moment the song kicks off with its thunderous guitar riff and captivating melodies, it immediately commands attention and sets the stage for a metal masterpiece.
Diamond Head’s musical style in Am I Evil? embodies the spirit of classic heavy metal. The band’s intricate guitar work, led by the legendary riffs and solos, showcases their technical prowess and ability to create memorable melodies. The main riff is very easy to play while sounding chuggy and awesome.
47. Breaking The Law by Judas Priest
Release date | May 23, 1980 |
Chords | E5, D5, C5, A5, G5, F5, D5, C5 |
Tabs | View Breaking The Law Tabs Here |
Introducing Breaking the Law by Judas Priest, a rebellious and adrenaline-fueled anthem that has become an enduring symbol of defiance and rock ‘n’ roll spirit. The song was released by British heavy metal pioneers Judas Priest in 1980 as part of their album “British Steel.” From the moment the song bursts to life with its infectious guitar riff and driving rhythm, it grabs hold of listeners and invites them to join in the rebellious journey.
Judas Priest’s musical style in Breaking the Law exemplifies the power and intensity of classic heavy metal. The band’s double guitar riffing, piercing solos, and Rob Halford’s iconic vocals combine to create a sound that is both aggressive and melodic. The song is really easy to play since it only uses power chords.
48. Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden
Release date | March 22, 1982 |
Chords | Em, Cmaj7, G, D/F#, G, Am, F |
Tabs | View Hallowed Be Thy Name Tabs Here |
Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden is a musical masterpiece of epic proportions that has become an icon in the realm of metal music. It was released by Iron Maiden in 1982 as part of their landmark album The Number of the Beast. From the haunting introductory guitar melodies to the explosive crescendos, it captivates listeners with its atmospheric storytelling and unrelenting musicality.
The song’s lyrics paint a vivid picture of a condemned prisoner awaiting his impending execution, while the music is characterized by intricate guitar harmonies, galloping basslines, and Bruce Dickinson’s soaring vocals. The song seamlessly transitions between heavy and melodic passages, showcasing the band’s mastery of dynamics and their ability to create unforgettable hooks. I learned this song a lot later since I believed Iron Maiden had difficult songs to play, which is not true. So I encourage every guitarist to start practicing this song.
49. Fear Of The Dark by Iron Maiden
Release date | May 11, 1992 |
Chords | Em, G, A, D, C |
Tabs | View Fear Of The Dark Tabs Here |
Fear of the Dark is a timeless metal masterpiece. It’s a song that has become one of the band’s most beloved. It was released in 1992 as the title track of Maiden’s 9th studio album. From the moment the song begins with its atmospheric acoustic guitar intro, it sets a suspenseful and eerie tone that pulls listeners into its dark and emotive world.
The song’s lyrics delve into the fear and uncertainty that can grip individuals in the darkness, both literal and metaphorical. Musically, “Fear of the Dark” is characterized by dynamic shifts between melodic verses and explosive choruses. The band’s signature galloping guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and Bruce Dickinson’s powerful vocals create a sense of grandeur and intensity that is iconic for Iron Maiden.
50. Bewitched by Candlemass
Release date | November 9, 1987 |
Chords | G5, A5, E, A#5, B5 |
Tabs | View Bewitched Tabs Here |
Introducing Bewitched by Candlemass, a doom metal classic that encapsulates the band’s signature sound and conjures an atmosphere of darkness and occult mystique. The song was released by Candlemass in 1987 as part of their iconic album Nightfall. From the moment the song begins with its slow, ominous guitar riff and the haunting vocals of Messiah Marcolin, it immerses listeners in a world of gloom and impending doom.
The band’s musical style in Bewitched is characterized by the slow, crushing tempos, mournful guitar melodies, and Marcolin’s powerful and operatic vocal delivery. Candlemass’ ability to create a sense of grandeur and melancholy through their intricate compositions sets them apart in the world of doom metal. The song is played on the thickest two strings using power chords, which makes it really easy.
51. Scourge Of Iron by Cannibal Corpse
Release date | March 13, 2012 |
Chords | E5, A5, D5, G5 |
Tabs | View Scourge Of Iron Tabs Here |
Introducing Scourge of Iron by Cannibal Corpse, a relentless and brutal onslaught of death metal that pushes the boundaries of extreme music. Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of raw aggression and unrelenting sonic violence. It unleashes a torrent of ferocity with thunderous blast beats, bone-crushing guitar riffs, and guttural growls that penetrate the depths of the darkest realms. The song embodies the band’s signature style, known for its relentless intensity and unapologetic embrace of the macabre.
Lyrically, Scourge of Iron delves into themes of violence, death, and the macabre. The vivid and graphic imagery paints a disturbing picture of a world consumed by brutality and horror. The song is fast-paced but uses single notes and power chords, which makes it really easy to play. If you like this song, check out the full list of our favorite power chord songs.
52. Unholy Confessions by Avenged Sevenfold
Release date | February 25, 2003 |
Chords | C5, D5, E5 |
Tabs | View Unholy Confessions Tabs Here |
Unholy Confessions by Avenged Sevenfold is a dynamic and emotionally charged metalcore anthem that showcases the band’s blend of heavy riffs, melodic hooks, and powerful vocals. It was released by Avenged Sevenfold in 2003 as part of their breakthrough album, Waking the Fallen. From the explosive opening guitar riff to the soaring melodies and intense vocals, the song captivates listeners with its raw energy and heartfelt lyrics.
The band’s musical style in Unholy Confessions combines aggressive guitar-driven verses with soaring melodic choruses, showcasing their ability to seamlessly blend heavy and melodic elements. The song is quite easy since it mostly uses single notes and power chords.
53. Hail To The King by Avenged Sevenfold
Release date | August 23, 2013 |
Chords | B5, Am, D5 |
Tabs | View Hail To The King Tabs Here |
Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold is a commanding and epic hard rock anthem that pays homage to the spirit of classic heavy metal while carving its own path. It was released in 2013 as the title track of their 6th studio album. From the moment the song begins, it asserts its dominance and captures the essence of metal royalty.
Avenged Sevenfold’s musical style in this song draws inspiration from classic heavy metal. With fast melodic lead guitar licks, heavy and chuggy rhythm guitar and powerful vocal melodies. The rhythm guitar part of the song is surprisingly easy to play. It consists of chords which can be played with one finger and power chords.
54. Sonne by Rammstein
Release date | February 2001 |
Chords | B5, C5 |
Tabs | View Sonne Tabs Here |
Sonne by Rammstein is a powerful and infectious industrial metal anthem that captivates listeners with its intense energy, striking imagery, and captivating soundscapes. The song was released in 2001. It was the lead single of their album Mutter. Lindemann’s opera like vocals elevate the quality and make the song really unique. The song also has a lot of background vocals and harmonics.
Rammstein’s musical style in Sonne combines heavy industrial elements with a melodic sensibility, creating a unique sonic experience that is both aggressive and catchy. The song uses only two power chords, and other parts of the song can be played with one finger. This is one of my personal favorite easy metal guitar songs.
55. Keine Lust by Rammstein
Release date | September 27, 2004 |
Chords | G5, C5 |
Tabs | View Keine Lust Tabs Here |
Keine Lust by Rammstein is a gritty and rebellious industrial metal anthem that encapsulates the band’s fierce and provocative nature. The song was released by Rammstein in 2004 as a single from their album Reise, Reise. The lyrics of Keine Lust explore themes of apathy, disinterest, and rebellion against societal expectations. It paints a vivid picture of a character who rejects conformity, seeking to break free from the mundane and find their own path.
Rammstein’s musical style in Keine Lust is characterized by its heavy industrial sound, combining aggressive guitar-driven verses with an infectious and melodic chorus. All parts of the song are playable by complete beginners.
56. Deutschland by Rammstein
Release date | March 28, 2019 |
Chords | Em11, F#m11, Am11 |
Tabs | View deutschland Tabs Here |
Deutschland by Rammstein is a powerful and thought-provoking anthem that explores the multifaced history, identity, and cultural complexities of Germany. The song was released by Rammstein in 2019 as the lead single of their self titled album. From the haunting piano intro to the explosive guitars, pulsating rhythms, and Till Lindemann’s commanding vocals, the song immediately immerses listeners in a sonic landscape.
Rammstein’s musical style in Deutschland combines their signature heavy industrial sound with layers of atmospheric elements, creating a rich and dynamic sonic tapestry. There are two guitars; the lead guitar plays easy, fast licks, while the rhythm guitar plays one-finger chords.
57. Kickstart My Heart by Mötley Crüe
Release date | November 20, 1989 |
Chords | G5, G#5, A5, D5, C5 |
Tabs | View Kickstart My Heart Tabs Here |
Kickstart My Heart by Mötley Crüe is a high octane and adrenaline fueled rock song that encapsulates the wild and rebellious spirit of the 80s. It was released by Mötley C. in 1989. The song was featured on their album Dr Feelgood. From the explosive opening guitar riff to the thunderous drums, driving basslines, and Vince Neil’s powerful vocals, the song bursts with energy and sets the stage for a wild and unforgettable experience.
Mötley Crüe’s musical style in Kickstart My Heart blends heavy metal with elements of glam and sleaze, resulting in a unique sound that is both gritty and infectious. The song is really catchy and uses only power chords, which makes it a blast to play.
58. Blind by Korn
Release date | September 27, 2004 |
Chords | F#5, G5, F#-5, G-5 |
Tabs | View Blind Tabs Here |
Introducing Blind by Korn is a groundbreaking and influential nu-metal anthem that unleashed a new sound and attitude upon the music scene. The song was released by Korn in 1994. It was the lead single of their self titled debut. Featuring an iconic screeching guitar intro to the heavy, down-tuned riffs, pulsating basslines, and Jonathan Davis’ intense vocals, the song is one of the most iconic musical pieces of the 2000s.
Korn’s musical style in Blind birthed the nu-metal movement, combining elements of heavy metal, alternative rock, and hip-hop. The song is originally played on a 7 string guitar but can also be played on a 6 string. The riffs are very easy to learn on both.
59. Bartzabel by Behemoth
Release date | October 5, 2018 |
Chords | B5, C5, E5 |
Tabs | View Bartzabel Tabs Here |
Bartzabel by Behemoth is a dark and atmospheric metal composition that showcases the band’s distinctive blend of blackened death metal. The song was released in 2018. as a track on Behemoth’s eleventh studio album, called I Loved You at Your Darkest.
The song features a combination of blistering guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and intense vocals, creating a sense of relentless energy and aggression. Behemoth’s intricate musicianship, dynamic shifts, and haunting melodies contribute to the overall atmospheric and intense experience of Bartzabel. The song is filled with a creepy atmosphere, and since it only uses power chords and single notes, it is really easy to play.
60. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel by Behemoth
Release date | September 27, 2004 |
Chords | Em, F5, E5, G5 |
Tabs | View Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Tabs Here |
Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel by Behemoth is a powerful and atmospheric blackened death metal track. The song opens with an eerie and haunting soundscape, setting a dark and foreboding atmosphere. As the song progresses, it transitions into a relentless assault of aggressive guitar riffs, thunderous drums, and guttural vocals.
Behemoth’s musicianship shines through with intricate and precise instrumentation, showcasing their ability to create intense and dynamic compositions. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel carries a sense of ominous grandeur with its dense layers of sound and captivating melodies. The song captures Behemoth’s ability to create a dark and atmospheric sonic experience that is both captivating and unsettling. The song is really easy to play since it uses only power chords.
61. The Hordes Of Nebulah by Darkthrone
Release date | June 1995 |
Chords | E5, F5, C#5, D5 |
Tabs | View The Hordes Of Nebulah Tabs Here |
The Hordes of Nebulah by Darkthrone is a haunting and otherworldly black metal opus that takes listeners on a transcendent journey through cosmic dimensions and occult realms. The song was released by Darkthrone in 1995 as part of their album Panzerfaust. From the mesmerizing guitar melodies to the relentless blast beats and chilling vocal delivery, the song envelops listeners in an atmosphere of cosmic malevolence and mystical darkness.
Darkthrone’s musical style in The Hordes of Nebulah captures the raw and primitive essence of black metal. The main riff is one of the easiest riffs in metal history, yet it still captures that dreamy, scary and vibe of Norwegian black metal.
62. March Of The S.O.D. by Stormtroopers Of Death
Release date | August 30, 1985 |
Chords | Fm11, F#m11, Gm11, Cm11 |
Tabs | View March Of The S.O.D. Tabs Here |
Introducing March of the S.O.D. by S.O.D. (Stormtroopers of Death), a high-energy crossover thrash metal anthem that unleashes a barrage of relentless aggression and politically incorrect humor. The song was released by the band in 1985 as part of their album Speak English or Die. From the moment the song begins with its military-like guitar riff, it sets the stage for a wild and exhilarating ride.
S.O.D.’s musical style in March of the S.O.D. combines elements of hardcore punk and thrash metal. The main riff in the song is one of the most simple thrash riffs ever, yet it became almost legendary due to its simplicity and memorability. The whole song can be played with one finger, and for each chord you only have to play the bottom two strings.
63. Enter Sandman by Metallica
Release date | July 29, 1991 |
Chords | E5, D5, A5, C5, G5, B5, C#5, F#5 |
Tabs | View Enter Sandman Tabs Here |
Enter Sandman by Metallica is an iconic heavy metal anthem that shook the world upon its release in 1991. As the opening track of their self-titled fifth studio album, commonly known as The Black Album, this explosive masterpiece swiftly became a defining song of the genre of heavy metal. Enter Sandman invites listeners into a dark, haunting dream scape, exploring the realms of fear, nightmares, and the human psyche.
Blending the aggressive guitar work, electrifying drumming, and Hetfield’s raw, signature vocals, the song solidified Metallica’s status as a heavy metal legend, leaving an indelible mark on the music world and captivating audiences across generations. The song is really easy to play since it only uses power chords. Most of you already know this song since it is one of the first songs every metal guitarist learns.
64. Aerials by System Of A Down
Release date | June 11, 2002 |
Chords | Gm11, F#m11, Am11, Bm11, Cm11 |
Tabs | View Aerials Tabs Here |
Aerials by System of a Down is a captivating and genre-defying composition that showcases the band’s unique blend of alternative metal and progressive rock. Released as a single in 2002, it was featured on their album Toxicity, the song stands as a powerful testament to the band’s distinctive sound and thought provoking writing. From the moment the haunting guitar melody and atmospheric intro envelop the listener, “Aerials” transports them into a surreal and introspective realm.
The track seamlessly weaves together intricate instrumentation, even though the guitar part mostly consists of playing open strings and single notes. The chords used are also played with one finger, which makes this song one of the easiest System of A Down songs to play on guitar.
65. 13 Candles by Bathory
Release date | May 11, 1987 |
Chords | C5, C#5, D5, D#5, E5 |
Tabs | View 13 Candles Tabs Here |
13 Candles by Bathory is a dark and sinister composition that exemplifies the pioneering spirit of Swedish black metal. Released in 1987 on Bathory’s album Under the Sign of the Black Mark, 13 Candles stands as a menacing and atmospheric masterpiece that helped shape the genre’s early sound. From the haunting opening chords to the relentless barrage of distorted guitars, the song immerses the listener in a foreboding and occult sonic landscape.
Bathory, led by the enigmatic Quorthon, crafted a sound that fused raw aggression with a sense of macabre melody, and 13 Candles encapsulates this perfectly. The whole song is played using power chords, and the song has no solo, so it can be learned from start to finish in a really short time. This is easily one of the easiest metal songs to play on guitar.
66. Looks That Kill by Motley Crue
Release date | September 23, 1983 |
Chords | C#5, D5, E5 |
Tabs | View Looks That Kill Tabs Here |
Looks That Kill by Mötley Crüe is a rock anthem that embodies the glam metal movement of the 1980s. Released in 1983 on their album Shout at the Devil, the song’s infectious energy and rebellious spirit solidified the band’s status as one of the most notorious and electrifying bands of the glam metal movement. From the explosive guitar riff that kicks off the track to Vince Neil’s charismatic and powerful vocals, Looks That Kill exudes a sense of raw sexuality and decadence.
The song’s driving rhythm section, courtesy of Nikki Sixx’s thunderous bass lines and Tommy Lee’s dynamic drumming, further enhances its pulsating energy. The song, like many others on this list, is played using mostly power chords.
67. Shepherd Of Fire by Avenged Sevenfold
Release date | November 7, 2013 |
Chords | C5, A#5, Cm11, Am11 |
Tabs | View Shepherd Of Fire Tabs Here |
Shepherd of Fire by Avenged Sevenfold is a fiery and commanding composition that exemplifies the band’s distinct blend of heavy metal and hard rock. Released in 2013 as the opening track of Hail to the King, the song immediately grabs the listener’s attention with its haunting and menacing intro. Avenged Sevenfold’s trademark dual guitar harmonies, courtesy of Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance, weave together seamlessly, creating a tapestry of melodic and intricate riffs that serve as the backbone of the song.
Shadows’ powerful and captivating vocals soar over the thunderous drumming of Arin Ilejay, creating an atmosphere of intensity and determination. The rhythm guitar part mostly consists of power chords which make the song easy to play.
68. Sleepless Nights by King Diamond
Release date | August 21, 1989 |
Chords | B5, E5, A5 |
Tabs | View Sleepless Nights Tabs Here |
King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal musician and vocalist renowned for his distinctive falsetto vocals, theatrical stage presence, and macabre storytelling. Throughout his career, he has captivated audiences with his haunting and atmospheric music, marked by distinctive guitars and horror inspired lyrical themes.
The song Sleepless Nights showcases his masterful storytelling abilities, immersing listeners in a dark and nightmarish realm. With its blend of creepy melodies, awesome guitar solos, and King Diamond’s haunting but quite unique vocals, Sleepless Nights exemplifies his unique style and solidifies his place as one of the most influential figures in the world of heavy metal. The song uses mostly power chords which makes it easy to play.
69. Scum by Napalm Death
Release date | July 1, 1987 |
Chords | F5, G5, G#5, A5, A#5 |
Tabs | View Back In Black Tabs Here |
Scum by Napalm Death is an uncompromising and blistering track that solidifies the band’s position as pioneers of grindcore and extreme metal. Released in 1987 as the title track of their debut album, Scum revolutionized the genre with its ferocious speed, relentless aggression, and raw intensity. From the moment the song erupts with Mick Harris’s thunderous blast beats and the grinding guitar onslaught of Justin Broadrick and Bill Steer, it propels the listener into a sonic maelstrom of chaos and fury.
Mark Barney Greenway’s guttural and venomous vocals unleash a torrent of social and political commentary, challenging societal norms and exposing the scum that pollutes the world. The song is really short and uses only power chords and open strings, which makes it easy to play.
70. N.I.B by Black Sabbath
Release date | February 13, 1970 |
Chords | E5, D5, F#5, G5 |
Tabs | View N.I.B Tabs Here |
N.I.B by Black Sabbath is a classic heavy metal anthem that showcases the band’s signature sound and lyrical depth. Released in 1970 as a track on their self-titled debut album, N.I.B immediately grabs the listener’s attention with its haunting bass intro, courtesy of Geezer Butler. The song’s iconic riff, composed by Tony Iommi, sets a mesmerizing and dark tone, foreshadowing the musical journey that lies ahead.
Lyrically, N.I.B explores a tale of a love-struck devil named Nativity in Black, which adds a captivating twist to the traditional love song theme. The combination of dark lyrics and the band’s heavy yet melodic instrumentation creates an experience that resonates with listeners. The song uses only power chords, which makes it easy to play.

My name is Chris and I’ve had a passion for music and guitars for as long as I can remember. I started this website with some of my friends who are musicians, music teachers, gear heads, and music enthusiasts so we could provide high-quality guitar and music-related content.
I’ve been playing guitar since I was 13 years old and am an avid collector. Amps, pedals, guitars, bass, drums, microphones, studio, and recording gear, I love it all.
I was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania. My background is in Electrical Engineering, earning a Bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University. With my engineering experience, I’ve developed as a designer of guitar amplifiers and effects. A true passion of mine, I’ve designed, built, and repaired a wide range of guitar amps and electronics. Here at the Guitar Lobby, our aim is to share our passion for Music and gear with the rest of the music community.